Well, how surprised were we!! We were excited enough to have been names finalists for this award, and to be able to go to Westminster and have a little look around and meet some nice people.
To then find out we had actually won just amazed us. We always do our very best to create a lovely atmosphere full of beautiful and delicious foods for our customers. We do our best to get involved in the community around us, knowing how important the high street is as a community hub and how dull towns and cities would be without interesting, buzzing independent retailers. It was so affirming to win such an award as it makes it all worth it!

Organised by the Confederation of Independent Retailers and Indie Retail UK, who promote the importance of independent retailers on our high streets (you can read more about them and the award here.), 25 finalists were invited to the House of Commons reception to find out who had won.
It made us realise even more the importance of supporting the high street and our local retailers as we are all facing an increasingly hard time with rising costs and the political and economic challenges ahead.
So an enormous thank you to all our fabulous and loyal customers and supporters who voted for us – we most definitely couldn’t do it without you.
You can read more about this from Bristol 24/7 and Bristol Post.